How have globalization and improved transportation links changed the geography of production areas for products such as apples, grapes, and fresh cut flowers?

How have globalization and improved transportation links changed the geography of production areas for products such as apples, grapes, and fresh cut flowers?

A) Farmers will seek out areas with the lowest production costs.
B) North American farmers no longer have a competitive advantage all year.
C) Production areas have become more competitive in Least Developed Countries (LDCs).
D) Southern hemisphere producers have increased production of these items.
E) All of the above.

Answer: E

The main difference between coffee and tea is that

The main difference between coffee and tea is that

A) coffee is consumed where it is produced.
B) tea is consumed where it is produced.
C) coffee is grown in upland areas in the tropics and subtropics.
D) tea is grown in low-lying areas in humid continental climates.
E) A and B only.

Answer: B