Farmers in LDCs choose to grow drug crops for export

Farmers in LDCs choose to grow drug crops for export

A) based on their market value in MDCs.
B) based on their proximity to market.
C) depending on whether or not they can grow corn.
D) depending on whether there are any users in their own country.

Answer: A

Von Thünen's model can best be used to explain the location of which of the following types of agriculture?

Von Thünen's model can best be used to explain the location of which of the following types of agriculture?

A) dairying in the Northeast United States
B) ranching in the dry lands of North Africa
C) shifting cultivation in the tropics of South America
D) intensive subsistence in South China
E) mediterranean agriculture in central Chile

Answer: A

Genetically modified crops have

Genetically modified crops have

A) higher yields.
B) greater resistance to climate change.
C) more resistance to pests.
D) all of the above
E) A and C

Answer: E

What is the purpose of crop rotation?

What is the purpose of crop rotation?

A) maintaining fresh products for market
B) maintaining price supports
C) maintaining the fertility of fields
D) responding to shifting consumer preference
E) reducing transportation costs

Answer: C

Mixing crops and livestock allows farmers to

Mixing crops and livestock allows farmers to

A) distribute the workload of the crops and livestock evenly throughout the year.
B) generate 3/4ths of their income from the sale of livestock.
C) create a system where crops provide food for livestock and the livestock provide manure for crop fertilization.
D) all of the above.
E) none of the above.

Answer: D

Which is not a characteristic of shifting cultivation?

Which is not a characteristic of shifting cultivation?

A) Land is cleared by slashing the vegetation.
B) Debris is burned to provide the soil with nutrients.
C) A new site is designated every few years.
D) Swiddens not under cultivation are used for fruit trees.
E) All of the above are characteristics.

Answer: E

Geographer Derwent Whittlesey divided the world into ________ agricultural regions (not including his area of nonexistent agriculture). ____ were classified as found in MDCs and ________ as found in LDCs.

Geographer Derwent Whittlesey divided the world into ________ agricultural regions (not including his area of nonexistent agriculture). ____ were classified as found in MDCs and ________ as found in LDCs.

A) 11; 6; 5
B) 12; 6; 6
C) 11; 5; 6
D) 6; 5; 1
E) none of the above

Answer: A

Hunting and gathering societies

Hunting and gathering societies

A) include about 15 percent of the world's people.
B) are found in isolated places in the world.
C) are characterized by large concentrations of people.
D) occur nearly everywhere but are especially common in Europe.
E) are responsible for most of the environmental degradation of the planet.

Answer: B

Which statement correctly describes hunting and gathering?

Which statement correctly describes hunting and gathering?

A) All humans obtained their food this way before the invention of agriculture.
B) It is a form of nomadism.
C) This form of subsistence is still practiced.
D) Hunter gatherers live in small groups.
E) all of the above

Answer: E