Twenty five percent of the world sugar production take place outside of the tropical plantation region (U.S.A Western Europe, Russia) and is produced from ________

Twenty five percent of the world sugar production take place outside of the tropical plantation region (U.S.A Western Europe, Russia) and is produced from ________

A) genetically-modified, cold-tolerant sugar cane
B) sugar beets
C) wood cellulose
D) artificial food chemical processes

Answer: sugar beets

Poorer countries, producing such cash crops as sugar, _____

Poorer countries, producing such cash crops as sugar, _____

A) set the market price themselves
B) are at the mercy of the purchasing countries that set the prices
C) plant less in order to drive up prices
D) cooperate with each other to determine global prices and demand

Answer: are at the mercy of the purchasing countries that set the prices

Mediterranean agriculture is found in ___________

Mediterranean agriculture is found in ___________

A) eastern Spain, Italy, and northern Egypt
B) eastern Italy, Greece, northern Tunisia, and eastern Brazil
C) southern California, central Chile, and Italy
D) along the northern shore of the Mediterranean and northern Egypt

Answer: southern California, central Chile, and Italy

According to the Koppen-Geiger climate classification, the UK has a ______

According to the Koppen-Geiger climate classification, the UK has a ______

A) humid cold climate with no dry season
B) humid temperate climate with no dry season and a cool summer
C) humid temperate climate with a dry winter
D)humid temperate climate with a dry summer

Answer: humid temperate climate with no dry season and a cool summer

Colonial powers would make subsistence farmers __________

Colonial powers would make subsistence farmers __________

A) grow cash crops only
B) farm on plantations in addition to farming their own land
C) grow cash crops in addition to food crops the farmer needed to survive
D) buy commercial fertilizer at fixed prices

Answer: grow cash crops in addition to food crops the farmer needed to survive

Often crops are associated with regions other than the one in which they were developed. For example, the Irish or Idaho potato originated in the Andean highlands. Corn of the American "Corn Belt' originated in _____

Often crops are associated with regions other than the one in which they were developed. For example, the Irish or Idaho potato originated in the Andean highlands. Corn of the American "Corn Belt' originated in _____

A) West Africa
B) The Fertile Crescent
C) Central America
D) Southeast Asia

Answer: Central America

According to Spencer and Thomas, each agricultural hearth was associated with a local grouping of plants. For example, taro, yams, and bananas are associated with the ____ hearth.

According to Spencer and Thomas, each agricultural hearth was associated with a local grouping of plants. For example, taro, yams, and bananas are associated with the ____ hearth.

A) Meso-American
B) Southeast Asian
C) Southwest Asian
D) Ethiopia-East African

Answer: Southeast Asian